Network Marketing Prospecting – 4 Time-Proven Rules for Small Business Success!

From my previous article, you learned the basic fundamentals of ‘How to Invite Prospects into Your Small Business‘. One of the most critical fundamentals that you learned in network marketing is that ‘People Don’t Join a Business – They Join YOU!’ and that your marketing business should be a way of helping people rather than selling them on your “Out of this World” product.

You also learned that if you were able to get a large group of people in your home-based business that can consistently do a few simple things over an extended period of time, you will have discovered the formula for financial independence.

Below you will find 4 ‘Live By’ rules that are being taught by leading income earners in network marketing today and, if followed, you will see your business soar to new heights.

The Four Basic Network Marketing Rules for Success

Rule Number One:

You MUST emotionally detach yourself from the outcome of your presentation to your prospect. If you took any marketing tips away from the previous article, you will have learned that if you go in with the thought process of Education and Understanding, your business will flourish.

Many people are skeptics by nature. If you disconnect your emotions from the outcome and concentrate on education and understanding, everything will get much more simple for you. By understanding that you have no idea what their circumstances may be, accepting the outcome without emotion is a big plus.

If you focus on getting that customer or new distributor of your small business product, you will be disappointed and find your prospects running the other direction.

TIP: Our job is to act like consultants offering suggestions on how people can live a better life. If you focus on education and understanding, you will have fun and your prospects will enjoy the experience.

Rule Number Two:

Be yourself… “Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.” ~ Judy Garland

Many people find themselves becoming a different person when it comes to inviting a potential prospect to hear about their opportunity. This can have an adverse affect, making others uncomfortable. Just be yourself, just work on being your best self.

Rule Number Three:

Have some passion in what you do. Having enthusiasm can be contagious… people love to be around the positive, enthusiastic, loving life type of person.

It is perfectly OK to get a little bit fired up when speaking to people… heck, I have seen many people sign up in a person’s business due to the enthusiasm that the presenter portrayed. Be sure not to go overboard and scare people with your enthusiasm; stay focused.

When speaking to a person over the phone, there will be a whole new set of etiquette rules. The minute you pick up the phone, your tone of voice and the words you use will become the entire story. Having some enthusiasm will help get your message across… after all, your entire conversation will be communicated through your tone of voice.

TIP: Smile when you are on the phone. I assure you, your positive emotion will translate into better results. Smiling helps your voice to sound friendly, warm, and receptive.
– – – Some telemarketing companies are so convinced of the value of smiling when talking on the phone that they have installed mirrors above the telemarketers’ desks to remind them to smile.

Rule Number Four:

Have a strong posture. In my opinion, Rule #1, emotionally detaching yourself from the outcome, and having posture go hand in hand. Having a strong posture is one’s inability to be discouraged or swayed. It’s inability to be affected by those that are negative about the network marketing opportunity being presented to them.

“To acquire true self power you have to feel beneath no one, be immune to criticism and be fearless.” ~ Deepak Chopra